Constitutional Rules For Local Elections

ARTICLE 8. Eligibility to Run and Hold Office.
Section 1.
Any postal employee eligible to be a member of the American Postal
Workers Union who voluntarily holds a managerial, supervisoiy of EAS
position with the responsibility for issuing or recommending
discipline, or applying or interpreting the National Agreement for the
equivalent of one (1) pay period in a year shall be ineligible to hold office at
any level of the Local or to be a delegate to any convention held by the
APWU or any subordinate body of the APWLT, so long as the employee
continues to in such a position and for a period of one (1) year from the time
the employee vacates such position. Any postal employee who has
submitted an application to a managerial, supervisory, or EAS position with
the responsibility for issuing or recommending discipline or for applying or
interpreting the National Agreement shall withdraw such application prior to
acceptance of nomination for any office in the Local.

Section 2. 
Any postal employee who shall voluntarily accept or apply for any
managerial or supervisory position, EAS position or the PASS program,, for
any period of time,, whether one day or fraction thereof,, either detailed,
acting, probationary or permanently, shall immediately vacate any office or
position held by that member in the Local.

ARTICLE 9. Election of Officers, Delegates and Stewards.

Section 1. Elections and Terms.
A. Elections and terms of office shall be every two(2)years. Officers
elected are described in Article five (5) Section one (1).
B. Stewards elected are described in Article seven(7) Section ten (10) c.
C. The election process of Craft Director and Associate Office Steward,
  as described, shall be accomplished as herein set forth.
D. The election of applicable Associate office Steward and Craft
Director shall be the same term of election herein specified except
their name shall appear only on the ballots for their respective
associate office for Steward; respective craft for maintenance; or
described jurisdiction of representation as stipulated in Article five
(5) Section one (1) D for the Clerk Craft Directors.
E. A Nomination Committee shall be appointed by the President in
August of even numbered years. The Executive Secretaiy-Treasurer
shall serve on the committee.
F. At the September membership meeting nominations will be open
from the floor.
G. Final certification of the nominated candidates shall be posted by the
Executive Secretary/Treasurer - no later than ten days prior to the of
the September membership meeting.
H. Nominee may only run for one Executive Board position.
I. The election of officers/Delegates/stewards shall be made by a
majority of the votes cast in a secret ballot process herein described.
J. Upon the closing of nominations the President shall appoint an
Election Committee of not less than three (3) members in good-
standing who are not candidates for office.
K. All candidates will be notified in advance where the ballots will be
tallied whereas they may observe or select an APWIJ member to
observe on their behalf.
L. Results will be posted within three (3) days following the Local
Election Committee certification of the results.
M. The Election Committee shall prepare and mail out a ballot to each
member at their last known address within ten (10) days after final
certification(Section l.G) posting is dated.
N. Ballots shall be mailed in a stamped envelope having a return address
of the Election Committee in the upper left hand corner and
containing only the following. A notice of elections setting forth the
office to be filled and or designated convention Delegate and voting
instructions; A ballot and two(2)envelopes. The first and larger
envelope shall be stamped pre-addresses to the Election Committee
and shall contain a space in the left hand corner for the. voter to sign
his/her name. The second and smaller envelope shall contain only
the words “secret ballot envelope” on its front. The voter shall insert
the completed ballot into the smaller “secret ballot envelope” without
any writing or other means of identification upon it, seal it,, and
enclose this envelope in the first one on which he/she shall write
his/her name in accordance with the instructions.
0. To be valid, ballots must be received at the Election Committee
address on the envelope, not later than fifteen (15) days following the
mailing of the ballots. In the event this falls on a Sunday or Holiday
the time shall be extended to the same hour on the next weekday.
P. The Election Committee shall open all addressed envelopes and
check the name against the master membership list certified correct
and current by the Executive Secretary-Treasurer, All returned
addressed envelopes shall be retained and kept separate from the
sealed “secret ballot envelopes” prior to opening of any sealed secret

Q. The Election Committee shall than open and count all ballots, The
results of the ballot count shall be certified in writing by the
Committee and reported to the body at the next membership meeting.

R. The beginning of the term of office fbr all elected officers shall begin
one (1) week after the election results certification is dated.

S. Any member may appeal the nomination and or election process.
Appeals of nominations will be to the Nomination Committee within
seventy-two (72) hours after his/her grievance arises. Appeals of the
election will be made to the Local Election Committee with seventy-
two (72) hours after his/her grievance arises. Appeals from the
decision of the Local Nomination or Election Committee shall be
filed with the National Election Appeals Committee within five (5)
days from the decision.